The flowers are starting to bloom, and the trees are turning green! Read on for more River East happenings this spring.
A Cart Set-up Success!
A few weeks ago, we did a run through of setting up our Back to Basics cart! The cart is part of our Back to Basics outreach series, which helps residents east of the river learn more about the built environment and how they can be more involved in the process. Topics have included DC Zoning Resources and Real Estate Development. The cart will help us reach more people, and it is easily disassembled and reassembled, allowing us to go all over Wards 7 and 8 and talk to as many people as possible. Be on the lookout for us on your block soon!
Stay tuned for upcoming REDC events!
In June, we are hosting two events: a free community design day and a retrospective on our Back to Basics mobile cart.
Free Community Design Clinic: The free community design day is for local residents looking to renovate their home or other buildings. Local architects and designers will be on hand to provide advice and aid free of charge.
Back to Basics Retrospective: Our Back to Basics cart is finally ready to hit the streets, and we’re celebrating and want to share more about the process and vision with you all!